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The Rote May 25, 2023
50 Biscayne
Scribe: Marcia Brod

President Brian Tschirhart opened the meeting. Scott Richey gave an invocation and Dave Skinner led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful view from our new venue.

Visiting Guests

  • David Rocha joined us today. His company, Equath, assists those interested in making investments in Spain;

  • Selene Ulloa and Arquimedes Rivero from our MDC Rotaract Club visited the Club today;

  • Nicole Santiago, a potential member, attended today’s meeting as well.

Linda Singer (5/24) and Randy Lichtman (5/25) got to celebrate their birthdays today. The celebration included a yummy cake made by Kathy Tschirhart topped off by ice cream and a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday by the group!


  • Diane Landsberg and Noreen Timoney reminded everyone of the importance to contributing to EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year). Our Club is a 100% contributor. $25 of our membership dues goes to this program.

  • It’s time to renew your membership. The new Rotary year begins July 1. If anyone needs a new or updated name badge let Diane or Phil Seipp know.

  • A photo op was taken with President Brian and Cameron Sisser with an award from the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind to the Club.

  • Future meetings:

June 1 – Zoom; June 8 – In-person; June 15 – Zoom; June 22 – Brian’s farewell meeting; July 4 – BBQ & fireworks at the home of Don and Maria Van Orsdel; Saturday, July 8 Installation of Incoming President Norby Rudel.

Todays Speaker

  • Our own Susan Lichtman provided the program for today. Susan is a long-time marketing communications consultant and award-winning Communication and American Government professor at Miami Dade College in Homestead.

  • Today’s topic was titled “Listening – How Well Do You Listen?” What an important topic…we would all benefit from listening better.

  • Why should we listen? 1) to connect with others; 2) to create community; 3) to learn; 4) to express emotion or change mood; 5) to improve health; 6) to become energized or inspired; and 7) for fun and entertainment.

  • There are four common listening styles. 1) Content-Oriented; 2) Time-Oriented; 3) Action-Oriented and 4) People-Oriented.

  • Important features of People-Oriented Listening includes: 1) Also known as Empathic Listing, Active Listening and Reflective Listening; 2) Hallmarks of this style: Non-judgmental, Encouraging, Caring; 3) Acknowledge the speaker’s feelings; 4) Use open-ended questions, and repeat or paraphrase; 5) Pay attention to body language and other nonverbal cues; 6) NO solutions, please!; 7) Be patient and allow for silences.

  • The group ran briefly through a couple of exercises. Susan presented a lot of valuable information that is useful in all of our lives every day. We hope to have her return for more helpful conversation tips in the future.


The Four Way Test was led by Dave Skinner.